Current and previous

Work Experience


Software Developer, Altair, Barcelona, Spain. (November 2020 - Present)
  • Developed a fast mesher for structured meshes, which is capable of generating meshes of 20 million elements in less than 1s.
  • Implemented a fast turbulence model for electronics thermal management, and validated it with experimental data.
  • Developed a fast nodal postprocessor, improved performance by a factor of 10.
  • Implemented a fast solver for momentum equations, reduced computational time between 25 and 50%.
  • Optimized memory footprint of the solver, reduced memory consumption by 50%.
Postdoctoral Fellow in Computational Modeling, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB. (April 2016 - November 2020)
  • Developed a multi-physics model in C++ for 3D simulations of electrochemical systems and cooling towers, implemented classes for equations, solvers and postprocessing routines.
  • Implemented a fast solver for fluid flow in porous microstructures obtained from image processing techniques, reduced the computational time by 80%.
  • Lead programmer to perform continuous integration and design by carrying out code review, version control, and regression and unit testing.
  • Implemented Python scripts for generating three-dimensional geometries using preprocessing software, helped new users to obtain geometries within 1 day, a reduction of approximately 50% without supervised training.
  • Provided training and supervision to Ph.D. and M.Sc. students designing experiments, performing numerical simulations, and reviewing their contributions to the code.
  • Delivered project progress updates to industry partners, and communicated results to scientific audiences.
CFD Software Engineer & Researcher, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain. (September 2013 - April 2016)
  • Developed a mathematical model in C++ for 3D multi-physics simulations of water transport in electrochemical systems.
  • Implemented a new model for droplet dynamics, incremented the computational speed 10 times.
CFD Researcher, International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Castelldefels, Spain. (July 2009 - August 2013)
  • Developed a fast analysis tool to predict water accumulation in microchannels, allowing users to perform predictions within 2 minutes.
  • Implemented a simplified mathematical model for 2D simulations of electrochemical systems with user-defined functions (UDFs), analyzed the effects of geometry on performance.
Site Engineer, Clariant Iberica, El Prat de Llobregat, Spain. (July - September 2008)
  • Implementation of a data base for third-party companies, personal protection equipment (PPE), and installed equipment.
Site Engineer, Air Products, Barcelona, Spain. (July - September 2007)
  • Implementation of a data base for basic safety process (BSP).

Teaching Experience

Teaching Assistant - Structural Analysis, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Castelldefels, Spain. (Fall 2012 - Spring 2015)
  • Teach tutorials (twice a week).
  • Select the material for the tutorials, assignments, midterms and final examinations (in conjunction with the other two instructors).
  • Mark assignments and exams (in conjunction with the other two instructors).

Volunteer Work

Guest expert on hydrogen fuel cells, Navigate Youth Summit - Water Stakeholders, Canmore, AB. (March 2018)
  • Round tables session with high school students and teachers to make them aware of current technologies that can bring a positive impact on Alberta's environment and natural resources.